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我用Document Imaging把上次TIK在山山水水和花花草草中拍的那组杂志的文字复制出来了!

已有 3942 次阅读2009-3-19 12:29 |

因为这张图片和文字在一起的图片不是很清晰,我复制图片下来时候用放大镜看很费劲,后来想打印出来又怕太耗费油墨,所以我用Document Imaging软件将杂志的文字复制出来了,效果还不错.可能还有些错码,凑合看看吧!呵呵,这也算是最近一直在捣鼓:想导出字幕的收获吧.可谓是"无心插柳柳成荫".

Office在2003版中增加了Document Imaging工具,用它可以把文字给“抠”出来。
打开传真图片,用抓图软件SnagIt对相关的内容进行抓取,然后在“文件”菜单中选择“复制到剪贴板”命令(也可以用其他抓图软件,当然最简单的是Windows中自带的Print Screen键来抓取整个屏幕,然后在“画图”程序中对不要的部分进行裁剪并保存,然后复制)。
在“开始”菜单的“Microsoft Office工具”中打开Microsoft Office Document Imaging,在左侧窗口中单击鼠标右键,选择“粘贴页面”,把复制的图片粘贴到Document Imaging中,在“工具”中选择“使用OCR识别文本”,Document Imaging的OCR识别程序就会对图片进行识别,完成后选择“工具”中的“将文本发送到Word”,程序会自动打开Word文档,展现在你面前的就是从图片中“抠”出来的文字。


 2007-09-03 14:31:59.0 资料来源: 互联网 点击: 35

    资料提示: 问:我用Office 2003中文版中的“Microsoft Office Document Imaging”来识别图片中的文字(图片中的文字为英文),但我发现将识别后的文字复制到Word中时有乱码,难道微软的OCR软件连英文的识别效果也这么差吗?...
问:我用Office 2003中文版中的“Microsoft Office Document Imaging”来识别图片中的文字(图片中的文字为英文),但我发现将识别后的文字复制到Word中时有乱码,难道微软的OCR软件连英文的识别效果也这么差吗?(点击查看更多精彩软件问答

  答:“Microsoft Office Document Imaging”是一个识别图片文字的好工具,它相当于就是一个OCR工具,造成你识别包含英文文字的图片效果差的原因在于你的设置不对??在该软件的中文版中默认的OCR语言是“中文(简体)”,你需要在识别之前先更改为英文:单击“工具→选项”菜单项,在对话框的“OCR”标签下将“OCR语言”改成“英语”,确定后再执行OCR操作,最后将文字复制到Word中就不会出现乱码了。

44 Roamtnq aLong Dol Tung with Jesadaporn Phondee to visit Chiang Rai.t -
long lime enamored with 1AT magazine ticIes Jesadapom Phoadee. the attractive preseiitr finay has a chance to follow Weri, ir famous author to ¡®visit Golden Triangle National Park i%Cliiang Ral with beulifu$scenery and varLous tou places along the mowiIaIoous chain His imptessvens Was so great that ¡®Tkk could not hdp lmmedlatey expose this wondethd tdplo te public himsf.
106 As time goes by. Phu Kradungs eegend is stUl there
As the aofty mount of lcd and tile most attractive eco tourism sle. Phu l(radung has been chronicled For iong time. 1ws has inspired oi young gen ra6on traveller Piyaporn anduchaa so mudi that she has viqorousey made 1ier way to Its peak to perceive and iecvd all nforiiatim at present In the midst of cod wind and bea*tlM mountainous
othe gorges. streams and the past.
O Iuanq is generally weli known as Chiang Mai National P¨¤& l,e most exotic tourism area with swift cwrents passing through the oiges. Foiv¡¯ the latest experienced ulp to Obluang, Kunlats1da Suelah learned that besides the beautiful scenery, there are many historical tables alsymbols to be added
in the definition of this National Park to be appeciated.
62 Beautiful Blue lune from brooks
and dLfTs of Nao Waterfall
Downsouth to Ranong. the dty ol rains md lout sunshlnese has consi Thagoon Ko4vakiA Na 9akorn to be impre¡¯.sed by
natur music caused fr brooks and woods of the Southern forests. eetng isolate but the touching scene of Nqao Viatei-faII t4atioal Park has been recortleby Thagoon as the most woiuder¡¯ul ,isiti.ag place.
76 Mount Vangpha
at 61 07 feet high, the land of foggy screen and wild


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回复 GMW2008 2009-3-19 12:51
其实在工作中这个功能有时候也会有点用.亲是否有碰到过重要的文件电子档不小心删除了,但幸亏还有纸面的补救,但无奈文字太多,补输工作量十分的大,或是看到好的报刊杂志,想把它重新编辑?这项功能就很有用哦!Office在2003版中的Document Imaging和尚书七号可以帮助到我们.
回复 baiyan 2009-3-19 22:34

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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